Saturday, March 13, 2010

没想到竟然我还能够荣获一年一度的寿星公大奖。我要在此感谢所有台前幕后的"工作人员",以及我的家人与好友们。是你们对我的不离不弃和支持让我走到今日。我曾经几乎被许多挫折所打败,但还好我仍能再度爬起来. 我答应自己不会再被这些事所影响。谢谢大家。

Thursday, March 11, 2010

today took a full day off n slacked at home for the 1st half of the day.
been trying to chiong as much Chrono Trigger DS as possible though..

around the late afternoon then got prepared to go for the IPPT which is at khatib camp.
felt so lethargic as ever since morning but still i have to drag myself go as my window is closing in the next 3 days...

the static station machines broke down so everything is on manual mode.

at the end of the day... watashi.. pass IPPT desu~!!

ok time to go hibernate after all the muscle-straining workouts...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

that day is approaching day by day. but how come i dont really look forward to it?
so many things happening. its time to pick the legendary skill 黯然销魂掌.

anyway out of boredom, i did a search on that:

the whole set of names are kinda cool isnt it? XD