Wednesday, December 30, 2009

my last entry for 2009

since already coming to an end for 2009, i actually made an extra effort to finish up the 'halfway-given-up project' of creating my own lyrics. spent 3 months, then abit too emo to continue n until just nw 心血来潮then decided to finish it up and post it up. * is the chorus. although i keep feeling it is still not up to my standard, but u peeps pls give me comments ok? =)

词: Chris aka JJ
曲: ???

A) 暖风一冷 月影儿 夜晚更清澈
泛黄纸册 记载着 幸福和快乐
愿为了她 这一生 选择埋藏了

诗人在这 经历了 离愁的苦涩
伤人的也 是她这 深爱的诗人
毁灭了命运的铁盒 却还被心魔往心里割

*人总在回忆里 迷失了自己
却仍想再继续 重演上一集
弹奏着离别曲 将一切忘记
却又被主题曲 打乱了思绪

B) 古铜发色 透放着 无声的诗歌
他穿越了 千年的 时光的银河
只希望能 继续着 未了的缘份

前世今生 的伯乐 已不再是了
望着伊人 的脸侧 分外地不舍
触碰了伤心的灵魂 却也敲醒了半夜三更

*冷却在漫天里 狂热的夏季
破解了搁浅着 他们的棋局
手执着一支笔 冰冷的大雨
紧握着记事本 消失的诗意

C) 肩上雪层 的冰冷 无心的路人
黯然转身 才发现 他两眼无神
经历的所有过去 原来是为了在这里遇见你

Sunday, December 20, 2009

JJ's 100 day

yesterday went to nash's hm for a overnight marathon of san guo playthru and some kof sessions.

got hm and went to sleep at ard 7.30am n woke u p at 2pm... half of sunday just gone like that.. sadded.. then i saw his sms telling mi that cwp's cd rama have JJ's new album already, so i went down in the evening to collect it and meet him for dinner.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

went to SMG store with jing since they have new stuffs instore.
it was drizzling n it spoilt half of our mood.
anyway this is my latest SMG tag collection:

bought 2 SMG tees and didn't manage to utilize the 20% off on 3rd item since i cant find anything else to buy.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

JB trip with buddies is awesome~!!

looking forward to future trips with them~